Please read the following information carefully and do not hesitate to contact Go-Polar should you need any clarification. Part or complete payment for any tour or cruise constitutes acceptance of all conditions contained herein. 

Contracting Parties:

Go-Polar is the band name for the travel division of T Qube, located at 1359/1, I Block 11th Street, Annanagar West, Chennai 600040, India. Go-Polar offers services of booking, arranging and coordinating cruises, accommodation, tours and transport and issuing tickets and vouchers to be redeemed by its Suppliers to the Booking Party. The Booking Party is defined as the person/s completing the booking request form, making payment and all passengers who will travel on the chosen expedition. 


Go-Polar hereby gives notice that it acts strictly as an agent for third party cruise operators, transport and accommodation owners, contractors and providers and other travel services - herein referred to as Suppliers. All bookings are therefore also subject to the individual terms and conditions of Suppliers and the Booking Party agrees to abide by these individual terms and conditions which will be forwarded to the Booking Party along with confirmation of booking.

Go-Polar exercises every possible care in the selection of reputable Suppliers however has no direct control over and cannot accept any liability for the acts, omissions or default whether negligent or otherwise, of those Suppliers, their employees or their appointed agents. Go-Polar does accept liability for, but only to the extent of, any loss or damage sustained by you as the result of its own negligence, or that of its employees or agents. 

Go-Polar does not accept responsibility for any injury, damage, loss, delay, additional expenses or inconvenience caused directly or indirectly by force majeure or other events which is beyond its control, or which are not preventable by reasonable diligence on the part of Go-Polar, including but not limited to war, civil disturbance, fire, flood, unusually severe weather, acts of Government or any other authorities, accidents to, or failure of machinery or equipment, or industrial action.


Deposit and balance payment requirements vary by individual tour/cruise and are indicated on your Invoice for each specific tour. Choose your preferred departure and complete the online booking request form. Following a confirmed offer of availability from Go-Polar, please make the required deposit payment, which will be sent to you as an online payment link to be paid by credit card or direct deposit. You can also wire the payment directly to the account mentioned in your Invoice. Payment constitutes acceptance by the Booking Party of these terms and conditions. A signed and completed Booking Form may also be required in order to enter a booking agreement with individual Suppliers. Additional personal information forms such as medical forms may also be required which will be sent to you. 


Any cancellations must be made in writing and applicable penalties or refunds are calculated from the date of receipt by Go-Polar. Cancellation conditions vary by individual tour/cruise and are indicated on Go-Polar’s/T Qube’s invoice along with each specific tour. 

Currency Fluctuation:

Prices quoted by Go-Polar are subject to exchange rate fluctuations whenever quoted in a differing currency from that of the Suppliers. In order to keep our prices as low as possible, there is no built-in allowance to cover possible increases from currency fluctuations. Therefore, as currencies do fluctuate constantly around the world it may be necessary for Go-Polar to vary the price, at any time before the issue of its final invoice, should there be exceptional cost increases beyond our control. 

Price Variations:

Prices are based on costs and exchange rates at the time of publication. Please note that Suppliers generally reserve the right to alter prices up until departure whether or not you have already made full payment due to currency fluctuations or exceptional changes in costs for fuel, transports, taxes, fees or any other unforeseen costs. Any price variations or surcharges issued by the Supplier will be passed on to the traveller and must be paid before departure.


It is strongly advised that all travellers purchase trip cancellation and interruption insurance as protection against an emergency which may force you to cancel or leave from a tour/cruise while it is in progress. In case of a medical problem arising during an expedition, either on board or on shore, which results in costs for evacuation, use of aircraft or repatriation, the responsibility for payment of these costs belongs solely to the booking party.  If not covered by travel insurance the responsibility still remains with the passenger and Go-Polar/T Qube specifically decline any responsibility whatsoever.

Medical Information:

Participation on an expedition program requires that you are in generally good health. It is essential that persons with any medical problems and related dietary restrictions make them known to Go-Polar before departure. We can advise you whether the expedition you have selected is appropriate. The tour leader has the right to disqualify any participant at any time during the tour if he feels the participant is physically incapable and/or if a participant’s continued participation will jeopardise either the individual involved or the group. No refund will be given under these circumstances. By forwarding of deposit, the Booking Party certifies that they do not have any mental, physical or other condition or disability that would create a hazard for themselves or other passengers.

Itinerary Changes:

These are expeditions to remote parts of the world and Suppliers generally reserve the right to change the itinerary due to weather conditions, availability of anchorage, political conditions and other factors beyond their control and without consulting the participants. Such decisions are be made in the best interests of all passengers on board and with regards to the safety of the vessel. Participants have no right to any refund or other considerations for extra costs due to delays or changes in the event of such inevitable itinerary changes. 

Itinerary Cancellation:

Suppliers generally reserve the right to cancel an itinerary before departure for any reason whatsoever, including too few participants or logistical problems such as strikes, wars, acts of God, or any other circumstances which may make operation of the trip inadvisable. Any refunds received by Go-Polar/ T Qube from the Supplier will be promptly passed on to the booking party, and this refund will be the limit of Go Polar’s liability. Go-Polar is not responsible for any expenses incurred by the booking party in preparing for the trip, including non-refundable or penalty-carrying airline tickets, special clothing, visa or passport fees or other trip related or personal expenses. 

Site Accuracy: 

Every effort has been made to ensure that the website, online documents and/or printed information about each expedition is accurate at the time of printing however Go Polar shall not be held liable for any injury, damage or loss caused by any unintended inaccuracy. Go-Polar cannot be held responsible for any errors and reserve the right to make corrections or updates to the prices, dates and itineraries. Prices may be subject to seasonality, availability as well as other conditions. All prices may therefore fluctuate or change without notice. 

Site Ownership:

Content found on this website including all images, text or video is owned and copyright either by Go-Polar or its Suppliers. None of this content may be reproduced, republished, sold, transferred, distributed or modified without the express written permission from Go Polar and/or its Suppliers. Any submission of feedback, suggestions, images or other contributions to the website automatically grants Go-Polar a royalty free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, publish, display, distribute or modify that submission in whole or in part, for any purpose, and in any form, medium, or technology.

Privacy Policy:

Your privacy is very important to us and Go Polar will not disclose your personal information except as described in our Privacy Policy the terms of which are incorporated into these Terms and Conditions. In order to be able to supply a service Go Polar and its Suppliers will need to collect certain information from the Booking Party, some of which may be of a personal nature. This information may be disclosed to, or collected on our behalf by our service providers to enable the services to be provided, but will not be used by them for any other purpose. 

Modification of Terms and Conditions: 

Go Polar/T Qube reserves the right to alter these Terms and Conditions at any time, without prior notice. Upon posting a new version of these Terms and Conditions on this Site your continued use of this Site constitutes your acceptance of such modifications.

Responsibility of the Booking Party:

The Booking Party must familiarise themselves with any health or visa requirements that may be applicable to the chosen expedition, and shall be responsible for all entry, exit, health and other documents required by law, regulations, orders, demands or requirements of the countries visited or transited. All members of the Booking Party shall carry a valid passport at all times. Go Polar and/or their Suppliers are not liable for any loss or expense due to failure to comply with the above. All members of the Booking Party accept that they may be travelling through areas of political or climatic instability, high latitude, altitude and/or remote areas where there is dangerous wildlife and without proper medical services, and accept any associated risks. These risks include, without limitation, the possibility of injury or death, psychological trauma, disease, loss or damage to property, inconvenience and discomfort. The making of a booking constitutes your acceptance of all booking terms and conditions as described herein and forms the basis of your contract with Go Polar/T Qube.